Friday, May 10, 2013

Coach...Punch your Light's out!

Coaching is serious business! I'll run these little poets into the ground until they sprout up as gods of slam! When I'm done with them their dreams will be 3 minutes or less! No grace, No mercy! But enough about them...As you can see from my profile pic I am a Delicious Black Warrior Queen and this is my introduction...It's FRIDAY!

I am a fun-loving bitch of an asshole, which basically means I'm the shit. If you say otherwise I will only recognize you as a hater (this makes you significant to the process). As a group we chose days to add to this blog...I'm calling mine "Thuggin' Thursdays w/ Light" I don't know why, yet and it may change depending on how I feel. Eye'm the craziest person you never met. Eye live for my art. Eye have this crazy notion that we are all built for greatness; where we fail is either not taking the time to figure out who we are or allowing others to decide what our great is. If you know you're great at something...go ALL in...with no apologies. I have been a full-time Artist for over 11 years and the times I was least productive is when I second guess myself or try to 'water down' my capabilities. Now, the mystery unfolds...I am not arrogant...I am brilliant! I implore you to get to the point in your lives where you can say the same.

Notice I didn't say I was better than you, but I am better for it. I want my attitude to be highly contagious, to the point of starting a plague. Imagine it! Everyone being great and there being less hate, because everyone will be doing their own thing and somehow it'll fit into the necessary balance of life and societal progress.

Stay tuned to everyday of the week...Each team member has chosen a day...Fridays are free for alls

Don't be afraid to Punch Your Light's Out! (Let 'em Shine)


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