Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Wizard Is Never Late

As I awoke Sunday morning,
for the second time, because I already had a wake up call and just became reacquainted with my pillow,
I realized that once again I would be late. I was going to be late to do some super secret project with my team and it occurred to me that I'm late for everything. I was always late to class, usually late to events, and struggle to make it to work on time. This tardiness, I think, is caused by the hyper-relaxed mindset that I use to cope with stress. I haven't sold enough cars to look good at work? Its cool man, life is good. I don't have time to do everything I need to? No worries, its allll good. I don't have the passion flowing from my pen the way it once was? Oh. That's not something I want to be late for. 
See, as Gandalf once said, a wizard is never late. He arrives exactly when he intends to. And I intend to be

I've got a confession to make. I have felt like the weakest link on this slam team since day one, like my poetry could stand to have the most improvements made on it. My job pays well enough for my needs, but, it is draining the spirit from my soles. My place is important to me but at heart I'm a vagabond. After so much build up, so much tardiness, so much feeling late, one has to arrive. I'm not there yet. It may be a while before I feel like I'm "threre". It might take ninety years. But, I'm comfortable knowing I'm in the midst of a quarter life crisis. It could be worse. I could be normal.

1 comment:

  1. Pour! I love honesty...For the record...You feel like you're the weakest link, because you FEEL like you're the weakest link. During the slam season...let me be honest...I didn't think you'd make it, but you got to final stage and you did your thing, because you wanted it and you thought you deserved it and you got claimed your spot on this team and it is well deserved (earned). You are all strong writers...brilliant even, but because you don't know that're not making it your reality...get out of your way.

    Remember in the Hobbit...that funny nature wizard? Can't remember his name, but anyway...he definitely didn't have the Gandalf swag, but he had his own unique powers that even Gandalf needed his help n expertise. We are all different kind of wizards...necessary to work this magic.

    Can't wait to hear your claim to Wizard piece...peace
