Monday, May 27, 2013

For I Will Consider this Memorial Day Weekend

Hey everybody, Too Tall here for your Monday/Memorial Day Post. In observance of Memorial Day, I would like to give a huge thanks to our service men and women for continuing to fight for our country.

This Memorial Day weekend was quite eventful. This Friday was the opening night for A Streetcar Named Desire where I play one of Stanley Kowalski's poker buddies, Pablo Gonzalez. One of the funnest parts about the show is working with an awesome cast including fellow poet Phil Ginsburg! The show runs for another few weeks so everybody needs to tell they wives, tell they kids, and tell they husbands too because we're acting for everybody out here! The photo above is me stuffing my face with nachos at the cast party for the show NOM NOM NOM!!

This weekend was also Territory Days! Territory Days is a 38 year old tradition in Colorado Springs that gives everyone in town a reason to gorge on funnel cakes, BBQ, kettle corn, and various other festival foods. 

Photo courtesy of

Also, this weekend was Hear, Here. I was unable to attend this week's unfortunately, but I heard it was incredible. IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN TO A HEAR, HERE GET OUT FROM UNDER YOUR ROCK!

I felt like I got a lot of writing done this weekend. I"m getting back into the swing of writing for slam. My pen is a little rusty but i'm coming around. There has been a shift in my writing style towards a more structured verse. I find that structure isn't as restricting when writing a poem as most people would think. Forcing your brain to write with an underlying subconscious pattern is an incredible accomplishment. My ultimate goal would be to combine verse craft and slam. Here is an example of one of my verse pieces. It is my anaphoric (each line starts with the same repeated phrase) verse.

For Considering this ant at the river

For this ant lives in the land of giants and isn't afraid of their footsteps.
For he feels the river's rumbling and still walks in its wake.
For he fears not the Sun's heat.
For he cleans under Yahweh's fingernails
For he does the following three things so well:
For firstly, when he finds food he lifts the equivalent of an elephant.
For secondly, when he brings food home he doesn't care that his piece isn't the biggest.
For thirdly, he can hold water in his bare hands.
For he never wears a helmet and isn't afraid of boulders.
For he is Mother Nature's broom.
For he probably can't see as far as the stars.
For he has a rich uncle who resides in the halls of a ritzy hotel.
For he feels the sky fall as the flood comes.
For he has a crazy brother who rode on an antler and saw the other side of the river.
For he sat on a park bench next to a titan.
For he can walk from floor to wall to ceiling to wall to floor.
For he knows a friend who is doing time in an ant farm in Kansas.
For he once climbed a telephone pole and couldn't see the ground for the first time.
For he is constantly collecting.

Happy Monday Y'all and have a great rest of the week! :D

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