Saturday, May 25, 2013

My Hear Here Week in Photos

My Hear Here week in photos:


After an emotional, exhausting, practice on Sunday. Nothin’ but love for these guys.


Being almost 2 hours away from the Springs requires some Skype meetings when I can’t always be physically present with the team, which means I get to take funny screen shots and send funny texts as we talk.


Being a poet is tiring, physically, emotionally and mentally. I’m thankful for friends who support me not only by attending events with me but also driving while I drool all over their jackets and backpacks as improvised pillows. Support comes in many forms J

Can’t complain about the drive from Boulder to the Springs. Except for traffic. And sometimes blizzards. But this time definitely no complaints.

It was a fun night and if you missed it, make sure to come to the next Hear Here slam on June 28!

Love ya! 

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