Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Art of Being Sold

This is not a post about what you  might think it's about. I am about to be sold. Over the next twelve days, I will be taking bids for some time with myself. Technically, it's for a fundraiser. And, also technically, it's a date. The scoop is this: I won a dinner from 3 Margaritas along with two tickets towards a smooth jazz concert at Stargazer's Theatre (the awesome venue where Hear, Here's final slam was held - check them out sometime). So, instead of just going out with a friend or deciding to gorge myself on delicious Mexican food, I decided to donate my winnings and time to charity. That's right. Charity.

To whom am I donating? I'm so glad you asked! I'm donating to Hear, Here. Do I hear some of you naysayers out there, "Now wait just a darn second, Drew. Isn't that just benefiting you? Even if indirectly? Aren't you on the slam team?"

To these people I would smile and say, "Yes, indeed I am on the team. However, it doesn't just benefit me. It's for your benefit too." To those who still doubt, let me explain.

And Be Sure To Listen To This As You Read The Rest of This Post for that Extra-Inspirational Touch =)

Any money that we get indirectly benefits you, the city of Colorado Springs because we are the little city that could. We are the ones who think we can. We think we can so very much that in just one year, we have assembled some seriously top notch poets to compete as underdogs on the national stage. Several of those poets grew up right here in Colorado Springs; I grew up right here in Colorado Springs.

We represent the voice of this small city, and it's about time that the Springs got its say. See, we're not just some midwestern city. We are one of the best midwestern cities. Our culture is unique – a curious person could find any group of people here in the Springs from the very religious to the not-so-much-hippy to the "Well, I'm not so sure, but let me tell you what I think about..." types. Our blood beats red, but our voices voted blue – we are Colorado Springs. We are versatile, interesting, unique, and downright amazing. I mean, as one visiting poet once exclaimed, "There are mountains. RIGHT THERE!" (While pointing directly to the west no less.)

Our city has a natural compass for those who feel lost; we have breathtaking sun rises and sets; we have the iconic purple mountains' majesty mentioned in America the Beautiful; we ARE America The Beautiful; we are this nation's fighting spirit because we have the Air Force Academy, Fort Carson, Peterson and Schriever Air Force Base. And, yes, we may be slightly identified with some religious "craziness" but that's only because people don't know us as well as we know us, so this Slam Team is a chance to change that! Hear, Here IS Colorado Springs; YOU are Colorado Springs; therefore, you ARE the Slam Team!

And the best way you could possibly be a part of Colorado Springs AND this Slam Team is to place a bid to go on a date with me before May 29th at 7:00PM.

A date with me IS a date with America*!

*But that's only because you have to pay for it first

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