Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday Got Your Goat?

Happy Monday!

Hey everybody, Too Tall here for your post Monday pick me up. A little bit about myself includes being a member of the 2013 Colorado Springs National Slam Team, as well as an actor with local theatres around town. I am incredibly excited to be working with a talented group of poets who all share a desire to expand the performance arts (all arts really) in our beautiful city.

With the introduction out of the way there is something I would like to get off my chest. Why does everyone hate Mondays? There's always a bad case of "The Mondays" floating around somewhere. It's fully understandable that the first day of the work week is always rough, but when songs like this get stuck in my head all weekend long I can't help but feel like a total G for the rest of the week.

It does indeed feel good to be a gangsta at what you do, but there are times myself when I feel like diving head first off the nearest building when faced with a long work week. I heard a story not too long ago that I always think about when I start to have a case of "the Mondays" and it goes a little something like this.

     One day a poor farmer realized that he lost his prized goat. It was not in the barn, grazing fields, or by the river. The farmer was stumped as to where the goat could be. After looking over all the pastures and counting all his goats for the fourth time, the poor farmer's prized goat was nowhere to be found. He became very sad and started on his way home wondering how he was going to break the news to his family. Just as the farmer was almost home he heard a familiar BAAAA coming from an old well nearby. The farmer looked inside and saw that it was his prized goat!!! The goat had managed to get stuck in the well and was in really deep. The farmer called all of his friends to see if anyone could pull the goat out of the well. The finest rope makers tried to send a rope down to pull up the goat, but that did not work. Someone tried to lower a ladder yet the goat was a goat and knew not how to use them. Finally someone said "why don't you pour dirt in the well and the goat will climb out on its own!" The farmer did not think this would work and was afraid that his prized goat would be buried alive but gave it a shot nonetheless. With every bucket full of dirt the goat packed it down and little by little the well became more and more shallow. The goat continued to pack down dirt until it climbed safely out of the well. 

Everyone was happy especially the farmer and they all lived happily ever blah blah blah. The moral of this story is that no matter what happens in life you can rise above it. As long as everyone keeps packing down all the dirt that's bothering them, then they can climb out of their own dark well. Everything that is needed to lift someone up out of a funk is already available within ourselves.

This goat agrees. Word.

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